Duet Piece

We started off by exploring a Toy for 2 minutes.

After this me and Marian came up with the idea that the joints of the toy puppet reminded us of how throughout the war the home and the trenches were always interlinked in some way.

I started to play with the toy. Seeing this we decided to explore the link between a child and their family member in the trenches and that the child is more aware than everyone thinks. Marian copied the movements I made with the toy. It's an interesting thing to explore, the direct relationship the children have with the trenches and the war.

The rigidity of the movement of the doll and Marian also showed how the soldiers were like puppets, being told what to do and not having a choice to do it.

We started off this lesson with the idea of keeping eye contact at all times. This is a Pavel Semchenko idea. In pairs we moved around the room, crawling, walking, anything we felt was right, keeping eye contact the whole time. I found it incredibly intense and found myself forming a relationship without even thinking about it. This exercise was really exciting and I thought it might be something we could use in our piece. Me and Marian explored this exercise but instead of looking at each other we looked at the toy. We decided to do what we felt was right in that moment. We discussed afterwards and we both felt as if this was the first toy we had ever received.

We decided to explore how the toy moved again and this time we both moved subtly when the other person moved the toy. Then Marian started to gradually use rigid movements. This emphasised the rigidness and we felt it conveyed our theme clearer.

We decided to use slow motion within our piece as we felt this was a great way of physicalising and emphasising the link between the home and the trenches.

Marian had an idea that the way she fell down was similar to the way a mother would clean a floor. We discussed this idea and thought it would be an interesting thing to explore not just the children but how the rest of the family was affected by the family member becoming involved in the war. 

After watching many physical theatre videos in the past something that I had seen previously and that I felt could work in our piece was reciting a monologue or a poem an creating hand gestures to link with the text. This is a simple but physical way of showing the deeper emotions of the affects of the war.

We showed the beggining of our piece to Tim, the exploration and manipulation of the toy. He gave us some very useful advice such as how we could use the you even more. Look more into the movement of the doll, what would happen if I made it march. I need to really play with the doll and use my voice more to make the noises of war clearer. We could also make our movements more exaggerated in the mother, daughter scene to make it less naturalistic and more physical. Our transitions worked and overall we are really happy with what we have got so far.

We found a letter from a mother to her son who was in the trenches. After reading it we decided we could do a lot with it physically. We read through it all and circled the words we felt we could physicalise. Words like; give, country etc.

I feel we've physicalised the theme of the letter clearly and we've made a good start on it. With a bit more work we can make it very poignant

Today we explored the toy more. We incorporated marching to show the link between the home and the trenches and to show how manipulated the soldiers were in WW1. Marian found it hard to do copy some of the movement the doll made, but we found that if you focus on the movement you can copy it. Exploring the doll in more depth was interesting as it was quite challenging to move the doll in a way that was realistic. What we have is now much deeper into how the doll moves, what it represents and it visually looks better.

We also developed the Mother/Daughter scene more. We were finding it challenging to make it non-naturalistic. So we decided to just play our objectives more, Marian's was to make me clean and mine was to play. Doing this created a piece where Marian controls my hand not unlike what we did previously with the doll, I then take back control.

We made a decision that we would have a recording of our letter rather than Marian speaking it as it allows us to be more physical with our movements. Going through the text and devising morning related in some way to the text makes the themes more apparent and I feel that we have successfully interpreted our letter in a physical way.

I felt that our piece went as we expected. I think we clearly showed our theme of the family during WWI in a physical way. I thought it was a good choice to not use as music as it directed the focus more on the actions and themes. Personally I felt we could have been less literal and experimented more into our stimuli. I felt that the best part of our piece was how we manipulated the doll. This is because I think it was interesting to watch and it showed how the children and the rigidity of war are linked.  I also felt that the physicalization of our text worked well but that we could have made it more natural and less like a dance routine. We could have concentrated more on WWI itself and that it might have been too broad. If I did it again I would think less literally about our stimuli. I feel we created an emotional atmosphere with clear themes and that we were dedicated to what we were doing. Overall we could have explored more stimuli and explored our bodies more but we showed our themes clearly through our faces, words and bodies.

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